My first time in LA… I dreamed about it since I
was 16…finally I got the chance to visit this city and, who’s luckier than me?
I got the chance to go and see the Outlander’s exhibit at the Paley Center of
Media in Beverly Hills.
How exciting! As, on my very first day in Hollywood,
looking at the billboard with Outlander, just in front of the Chinese Theater!!!
When I read about this exhibition I thought
that once again I’d never been able to see it ‘cos I live too far away but when
I went to check the details, I had the big surprise that I could go to see it ‘cos
I would have been in LA in that period!!
So, while my friends were walking along Rodeo Drive
looking at the amazing shops windows, making photos, pretending to be rich and
famous as Richard Gere in Pretty woman, I quickly escaped and run to the Paley to finally have a close look
on the “Artistry of Outlander”.

The windows of the Paley showed two of the most
amazing Claire’s dresses (and one of Jamie, of course): the famous Red dress
and the purple dress that I love so much!!

I took some moment outside to admire them, to take some
pictures and then I went in.
One of the first costume I saw was the BJR’s one! Uff….
I hate so much BJR that I had to force myself to admire his costume instead of
ignoring it….the proof is that I took a picture ;-)
Look at the pleats around her waist and the edge around the wrist and the neckline, but also…. Look at the necklace! The magic stone that Master Raymond gave to Claire to protect her from poisons!

I remember Terry talking about how many bottons she and her department had to attach for season 2, when they had just started shooting!
These costumes show all the magnificence of the french court!
The first room was dedicated to the awesome, terrific sets that Jon Gary Steele and his department created for the season 2.
Wow, the models show us the parisian world of Jamie and Claire,
but also some of the sets from the second part of the season, in Scotland, during the Jacobite rebellion.

but you can imagine from all the details you can see.

I wonder...what have been of the sets?
My heart cries thinking about the elegant house of Claire...i'd like to have many of her fornitures inside my home, the colors match mine perfectly!!
In the last room there are many other dresses, two of them catch your attention as soon as you enter into the room. They are the dresses that Jamie and Claire wear on "Faith".
The first thing that hit me was the color of Claire's dress. During droughtlander Starz released one picture of Claire sitting, wearing that dress, while talking to Jamie after she 'd lost Faith and the dress looked blue to me.

But it's not, I think it's grey, only Terry could say the precise tone of color, but i love it anyway. It's severe as hard and painful was the moment Claire was passing through. I loved all the details, the broch,
And also Jamie's dress was awesome, with the embroidery tone sur tone.

And I finally could watch his boots! (Big feet Mr. Heughan!)

One is Claire's dressing gown (with her nightgown , too) and the other is the King's Louis one!
Not that I like too much to remember that particular moment when the king asked his price from Claire.. but his costume is so beautiful! red, gold painted with wonderful bottons...why you were such an....unpleasant character!!! except when he made fun of BJR at Versailles!!

But there were many other dresses, so let'go...
There is another Claire's dress, as you can see, and many other from the other carachters. What hit me were the colors and the embroideries.

I love the combinations of color !
My second thought was that Comte St. Germain had wonderful dresser...of course he is a Comte, he's rich, so his dresses are the richest, together with the king's one! but more beautiful than Jamie's dress! Not's the end he a beautiful dress but dies!!
This is the first one, with a lot of silver!! isn't it amazing??
But this one is my favourite as I love this tone of blue!!!

With embroidery gold on purple and vice versa!! And look again at the bottons!
and as my knowledge of english adjectives is not so big and I could be ripetitve and redundant, I'll simply leave you here the other photos I took of the dresses, from Bonnie Prince Charles, from the King and others....
Of course all this comes from Terry Dresbach and Jon Gary Steele genious, so you can use my photo but credit would be very much appreciated!

Last but not least this marvellous Claire's dress...I didn't realize it was painted, many details go missing on screen, and this one is amazing!!!

I think it's more beautiful live than on screen!!
But..i know what you were thinking...could I leave you without any words about the red dress and its shoes?? impossible, also my friends , non Outlander fans, said it's awesome!!!
Look at the details on the back!

OMG how much I like these shoes!!!
And thanks to:
So...that's it! I also have the video, but editing will take much time so enjoy the photos in the meantime! Hope you like them!
I've had a wonderful experience that I never thought were possible, but in this last year I've learnt that dreams can become true and that I can reach my goals and my desires if I try!...well not all of them of course...but some of them at least!
This has been an unexpected gift as I organized this trip a long time before knowing of the exhibition so, I've been lucky!
Thanks again to all the Outlander's cast and crew for all their amazing work!
Emmy's nomination are so well deserved!!